Links for chessprogrammers.

Chess Glossary:
Glossary of Chess Terminology

The "pgn"-page:
PGN Standard

The "perft" page:
Perft by Peter McKenzie

XBoard - WinBoard

UCI - protocol

Chess programming:
Chess papers collected by Dann Corbit (ftp!)
Chess papers collected by Nicola Rizzuti
A Beginner's Guide to Chess Programming
A.L.Samuel, Some Studies in Machine Learning Using the Game of Checkers. II- Recent Progress. (pdf file!)
Ph.D. thesis: Memory versus Search in Games - Dennis M. Breuker
M.Sc thesis by Marek Strejczek "Some aspects of chess programming"
---- DarkThought ----
Ed Schröder's chess page
Bruce Moreland's chess page
Dr. Hyatt's chess programming page
Chess programming page by Scott Gasch
Martin Fierz chess programming page
Chess programming by Alessandro Scotti
Chess programming by Francois-Dominic Laramee
Chess programming by Colin Frayn
Chess programming by Eppstein
Omid's Computer Chess Website
Paul Verhelst, Computer Chess Programming
G13GT1 -- Game Theory - A. N. Walker
Aske Plaat: MTD(f) - A Minimax Algorithm faster than NegaScout and more
Guy Robinson
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Chessprogramming - Wikispaces

Chess Program Sources:
TSCP - Tom Kerrigan's Simple Chess Program
Crafty (ftp)
GNU Chess (ftp)

If you have idees or new links for this page, please let me know! (email on top of the WBEC idderkerk site!)

Leo Dijksman.