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The setup below start with edition 17!

  • Premier Division: Intel Core 2 Quad cpu Q9550, 2 cores/engine allowed!
24 engines, played as 4 RR at 40/40.
Rank 1 will be the WBEC-Ridderkerk Champion.
The highest ranked none commercial engine will be the "amateur" Champion!

The 5 lowest ranked engines are demoted to the 1st Division!

  • 1st Division: Intel Core 2 Quad cpu Q9550, 2 cores/engine allowed!
24 engines, played as 4 RR at 40/30.
Rank 1 will be the Champion of the division!
Rank 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are promoted to the next higher division!
The 5 lowest ranked engines are demoted to the next lower division!

  • 2nd and 3rd Division: AMD Phenom II X4 955 (4x 3200mhz), 2 core/engine!
24 engines, played as 4 RR at 40/20.
Rank 1 will be the Champion of the division!
Rank 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are promoted to the next higher division!
The 5 lowest ranked engines are demoted to the next lower division!

  • 4th Division: AMD Phenom II X4 955 (4x 3200mhz), 2 core/engine!
32 engines, played as 2RR at 40/20.
Rank 1 will be the Champion of the division!
Rank 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are promoted to the next higher division!
The 7 lowest ranked engines are demoted to the 5th division!

  • 5th Division: AMD Phenom II X2 550 BE, 1 core/engine!
All remaining engines.
Will be played in X groups of X engines as 1 or 2RR at 40/20. ("X" depends at the total number of participants!)
The top 4 (IF 4 groups!) will play in the Final!
Rank 1 of the Final will be the Champion of the division!
The top 7 engines of the Final are promoted the the 4th division!
The bottom X ranks of each group will play at the "Mr.Irrelevant" tourney, the engine which finish as last will be Mr.Irrelevant for one season!
  • Promotion matches:
IF an engine (only if finished at rank 1 or 2 of his Division!) gets a rating which is higher 
as rank 10 of any (at least the second higher) higher Division it will play four promotion matches 
of 4 games vs the ranks 10, 11 and 12 of that Division, that means 12 games where an score of 6,5 points 
or better is needed!!
"rank 10, 11 and 12" _after_ including the new engines to the Division they qualified for!!

Example: IF rank 1 of the 4th Division have a rating which is higher than rank 10 of the 
2nd Division the engine plays 4 games against rank 10, 11 and 12 of the 2nd and if it 
scores 6,5 points or better it plays in the next 2nd Division, when it score less as 
6,5 point it plays at the 3rd Division. 
(this means that if wins it promotes from the 4th immediately to the 2nd!!)

IF the new rating is higher than rank 10 of 3 Divisions higher the same will happen but then against 
rank 10, 11 and 12 of that Division and if it score less then 6,5 points the same procedure will 
be repeated vs rank 10, 11 and 12 of the next lower Division!
This rule is made to avoid that an heavily improved engine of a lower division need to play through 
all divisions before reaching the division it belongs to (in strenght).
  • New engine qualify's:
New engines will play 3 "Division Qualify" matches of 4 games vs the ranks 10, 11 and 12 
of all Divisions, that means 12 games where an score of 6 points or better is needed!!
The engines start with the 4th Division matches and when 6 points or better then 
the 3rd and so on until it scores less then 6 points, the new engine will be added to the 
highest Division it scored 6 or more points, or in the case it scored less than 6 points vs the 
4th Division engines it will be added to the 5th Division!

Before the start of this matches there will be a 1 RR tournament with all new engines included to 
get an ranking of which the 1st will play first its "Division Qualify's", followed by nr.2 etc....
If a new engine qualify for any division there will be an old engine replaced by the new entree if possible (an "old engine" means a engine which completed 5 WBEC editions without any version update!), if no "old engine" then there will be one more demotion from the division the new entree qualified for and all lower divisions too! (Exception: the Premier division where always be a extra demotion, no replacement!)

Comments and or proposals can be sent to me or posted in the WBEC Ridderkerk forum.

TD: Leo Dijksman.